01 May 2008

knock knock!!

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
B-4 who?
B-4 I freeze to death, please open this door!

Who's there?
Tabby who?
Tabby or not ta bee!

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Meow who?
Take meow to the ballgame.

Xing Lu:
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Wendy who?
Wendy cat's away the mice will play.

(an' scroll down for another post . . .)

our mom's mis-spent youth . . .

she din't know any better then.
she knows better now, you betcha!!
this was prolly the great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- great- . . .

MOM: *SQUIRT* enough with the "greats" already, you guys! i'm not THAT old!!

. . . grandparent of the vishus deers who plague kitties in michigan today! (gee, mom; ya don't hasta be so tetchy--efurrybody inna blogosphere knows you're sixty squillion naps old--you let us post it onna bloggie!)

MOM: lissen, sonnyboy, there was enough of the drink taken at that party to guarantee i didn't even notice you had the camera, much less figure that you'd go posting about it. you oughta know that a bean party at our house is pretty sure to be embarrassing at SOME point or other.

oh, we do, mom. we do. *snicker*


*run away!!!!!*

(peeyes: yesterday's guest star, "lemon laser eyes" is our cousin, powder.)

30 April 2008

wordless wednesday

(biggify for full effect - the lemon laser eyes of death!!)