we boys have been tagged for the "middle name" meme, so here are the rules:
1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.
2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name or your mother's maiden name).
3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person (or blogger of another species) for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged.) (we meowers skated around this a little, 'cause enough kitties to spell "percival" wouldn'ta left many for ofurs to tag;-D)
nels (tagged by karl of
the cat realm) gets to go first:
my name is nelson john lapurr:
J is for
jumping - even though i'm 18 years old, since mom's been squirtin' dr frank's
joint pain relief for pets in my mouth, i'm jumping up on the chairs again without help. she can even touch my hindquarters without me cussin' now. no, she doesn't work for dr frank. it just works good on me, an' i'm proud for other kitties to know it!
O is for
old kitty
H is for
hearthcat (if only we had one--mostly i just toasts myself by the wood stove)
N is for
not too old to smack wayward cat brothers
whew! that was hard!! thanks for exercising my brain to match my legs!
****i tag
monty q cat****
ed and nitro got tagged by alexi an' annie of
krasota castle cats:
i'm (sir) edmund percival hillary--here's mine:
P is for
plump and proud!
E is for
edwardian in my manners when i have too much fatcat ale
R is for
rotundC is for
curvaceousI is for
incredibly magnificent
V is for
victorious (in my slam matches wif nitro!)
A is for
adiposeL is for
loving - my beautyful miss midnight!
****I tags my
darling middie for this meme!****
nitro: i doesn't have a real middle name, just the initial, like mr president harry s truman. i dunno what HIS stood for, if anything,
but mine is for
****i tagged
derby the sassy cat for this meme, but he'd already done it.
so please, miss mittens polypaws of the big piney woods kitties, would you play along?****thanks, all youse guys for includin' us--but could someone please tag whiny little xingxing? she's pouting acause nocat tagged her . . . an' she's hissy enough to begin wif!