nitro sez:

it was the dark of night. not a creature was stirring . . . except for a mouse. i had hunted the wily creature for days, scenting him, tracking him, chasing him. he ran, i ran. he scooted under under the cabinet, i scooted under the *owwwww* (note to self: must remember to duck lower) cabinet. he faked left, my paws were there! he faked right, my paws were there! i biffed him, i baffed him, he nipped me, i
hollered growled kitty curses. he slipped under my foot and dodged away. i scampered after him, driving him relentlessly forward. aha! at last, i had him cornered! his eyes were huge--burning coals of terror. he leaped onto my head and dug in, all his tiny claws digging for purchase.
again with the biting! i shook my mighty mane and dislodged him, only to see him scurry off in the direction of the living room--it was now or never. i gathered my steel-spring muscles and pounced. a mercifully brief struggle brought his end. i dropped my prey and paid a moment's reverence to a worthy foe. then i ate him.
well, most of him. i made xing get the camera and flash this picture of me with my trophy. since she had bet on the mouse (hah! *pft* that for you, xing), i felt it was a fitting punishment. then i took the trophy to the beans' den and displayed it lovingly about a foot from the door.
at 0-dark-thirty hours, She arose to feed us and entered the kitchen from Her den. She was so impressed when she found the trophy that She called upon Her god to witness the scene. so proud was i!