so. black cat appreciation day, eh? mommer sez we is belated but beloved. what duz THAT mean? to us, it just means she was too lazy to make a post!
what duz black cat appreciation day mean, ennyhoo? mommer & dad sez we has black cat appreciation day efurry day around here, but we don't belief that. ofurwise we'd be gettin' extra treats efurry day, an' it's a lucky day when we gets ANY at all. we happens to know (by snoopervisin' unner the door) that xing gets treats efurry day!!! mommer sez that's acause she feels sorry for xing acause she hasta liff all by herself becuz of her
evil temper errrr, extreme skittishness. all's i know is, she's furry hissy.
can you tell us apart? (no cheetin' an' lookin' up at the header!) sometimes mommer an' dad can't, an' just yell "dammit" all willy-nilly. if you looks careful, you kin see that iggy hafs white hairs in his ears, an' i don't (me is dammit!) also, iggy hafs a fat face *WHAPPO* OW! ok, a "fuller" face, an' mine is more simeezey. iggy calls me trianglehead, but i don't care. it's better than punkinhead. *WHAPPO* OW! i'm gonna get you fer that, iggypunkinhead! *ZOOMMMMMMMMMMM* (THoE begins--lookout fer yer bald haid, daddy--yer right inna middle of the straightaway!!)