honestly, ed's a helpless, hopeless addict. does you wants the bitey put on anything plastic, anything crinkly, anything crunchy? he's yer man, er, cat. munchmunchmunchmunchmunch.he'll chew until his jaws get tired or until you take it away from him. if there were cellophane gum, he'd be savin' his allowance to buy it. newspapers are great, too. he sits next to the chest in the picture for minutes at a time, just chompin' on that paper with his eyes closed. She says he musta been a train conductor in another life.
and here's the absolute proof of the puddin' (*hah* i'm witty today! i'm so witty, i'm so witty, i feel pretty, and witty, and bright . . .)*ow! Mom!! criminy! ok, ok, i'll get back on track right now!* . notice the totally absorbed, blissed-out look on his face:
are any of the rest of you afflicted with this odd compulsion? is it vile and to be shunned, or a legitimate hobby to be embraced (as long as you don't swallow any of the chewee)? any insights into the behavior? our cousin charlie fluffytail was a wool sucker, but then again, he was a balinese, an' he pretty much couldn't help it. (we don't mean anything detrimental against balineezers--She told us that a breeder told her lotsa meezers is furry fond of lanolin, and that's what's in wool.)