21 February 2007

now I had to go to the vet!

I AM SO ANGRY!!! those rotten brofurs of mine (i won't mention any names, but their initials are edmund and nitro) always chase me, tag-team me, gang up on me. they hiss, they yowl, they scratch. all they efurr get is my hinderparts, 'cause i'm faster than them, but darn it! a couple days ago, one of them (i don't know who) BIT me in my BEEhine, and today i hadda go to see dr. flathers acause of it. (nels is right, she IS furry nice, but she's quite a bit bigger than my dainty 7# 4 oz).

if it's sunny outside, My Mommy always lets me go sleep in the window in their bedroom when she comes home at lunch. that way, i have a nice warm perch and she closes the door, so i get a rest from the evil ones. well, today, as i was settling into my nest there, she stroked me from my nose all the way down to my tail, as she always does, and her thumb found a mooshy spot just to the left of the base of my tail. it was REALLY mooshy, and i didn't want her touching it, but i didn't bite or growl. it just felt funny. she said my ears and nose felt hot, and thought i had a fever, so she called Angel Animal Hospital and made an appointment for me. good thing there was one open at 5:00.

so out came my pretty brown, soft carrier. when My Mommy came home at 4:50, i crawled right in it, and off we went in her green machine that she calls guinevere. the vet aide did that indescribably rude thing, and said i had a fever of 103.2, and actually, i DID feel a little warm. too warm to be comfortable on that cold metal table, so My Mommy put me back in my nice soft cozy den until dr. jane came in to see me. she looked at my owie and said, "do the other cats bother her?" hah! as if "bothering" were the only thing! she said, "this looks like an abscess. would you mind if i shaved off some of this fur (*oh, no! my lovely fluff!!!*) and expressed that gunk out of there?" My Mommy said SHE didn't mind, but she was sure I would! and i did, but i didn't bite or holler, just squirmed a lot.

so now i am at home, and i still love My Mommy. i'm purring while sittin' on her lap to type this. she knows just how to cuddle me. an' she loves me, even if i have a bare patch on my lovely soft fluffy BEEhine. i have to take a pill every morning and evening to kill off the nasty germs that made me sick. see? i always KNEW boycats had cooties, and this is the proof!! rotten boycats.

peevishly yours, xing lu

peeyes: ed is sitting on top of the puter box, trying to put the bitey on the power cord where it goes into the box. My Mommy's afraid of shooting him with the water gun acause of the electrics, but i say, GO FOR IT!! serve him right. miss midnight, you should have a talk with that boy! --x.l.


The Meezers or Billy said...

so sorry you hadded to go to the v-e-t xing lu. Tell Ed i loves puter cords too!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Oh, Xing lu, we are so sorry that you got one of those bitey sores. They are awful. Oddly enough, even though we don't like each other at all, we never fight to actually HURT each other. It's always been the rare intruder cat in our yard that we have fought with.

Heal well!


Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Beeleeve it or not, yer lukky! Win I had a absess becuz Skeezix wopped me on the hed, the vet guy installd ANTLERS on my hed!!! And imajin how funny yoo'd look with antlers comin outta yer beehine!

Daisy said...

Oh, Xing lu, you were very brave and strong not to bite or holler when they squeezed the yucky stuff out of yer abscess. It's a good thing yer Mommie got you to the V-E-T before you got any sicker.

I have found out that the shaved spots will grow furs back again, but it takes a while, so do not worry about that.

Anonymous said...

Oh Xing Lu, that sounds horrible. I hope you feel better soon and can put the bite on the other cats.


Xing Lu

Dat wuz furry scairty. I am sorry yu had a boo boo and had to go to da VET to get it all better. I am sure yur Momma is making certain dat they don't bother yu anymores.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Brofurs! Course I only gots one and he's afrade of me cuz I put da whappy on him when he furst got here. All us gerl cats shood come over and protekt yoo, at least until yoor owie heels.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Those boys are very naughty! Get to feeling better soon!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow Xing Lu, you haf mean broffers! Skeeter is my broffer (well, sorta, we dont know for sure), but he neffer bites ME like that.

I would just come at him like Tigger all bouncy and all and then land on him all SPLAT, and he hates that! So he wouldnt put a bad bitey on me.

Hope you feel better soon and the hurty is all gone...

Karen Jo said...

Oh, Xing Lu, that sounds horrible. I'm glad your Mom got you to the vet before it got any worse. I hope you feel better really soon. I think this is definite proof that those boys have cooties.

LZ said...

That stinks! But at least it will be feeling better soon. We play very rough in my house too but I'm usually the roughest.


Anonymous said...

We hate going to the vet, but we think getting bit in the booty would be worse, and then having to go to the vet on top of it?? Oh, nooooo...

Artsy Catsy said...

Oh no, Xing Lu, a butt bite with gunk in it! That's the worst! Be careful when you sit down so your butt gets all better soon!


Shaggy and Scout said...

I had an abscess a couple months ago 'cause Scout bit me on the butt! I was acitng all sick but the vet couldn't find anything then the next day it broke open & left bloody gunky stuff on the carpet. I got shaved too and the fur is finally getting back to normal! Be good and take your pills. They really do help you get better faster! -Shaggy

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hope yer owie gits better soon. yer brofurrs are mean doing that to yoo.

Ivan from WMD said...

Gosh, it sounds like you all have had some excitement this week. I'm glad both you and Nelson are feeling better.

Thank you all for your very kind words about my bro. It helped me and my mom both.

Anonymous said...

sorry for you owie. . . sorry too for your poor momma who not only hasta give you pills but pill Nels too! Hugs to the beans, and scritches to all the critters.

da auntie

Catzee said...

Aw, poor Xing Lu! Rascal treats me the same way sometimes. Him thinks hims the boss, but I ambush him when he's not lookin' hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Ed - don't bite the power cord unless the power is OFF, okay? And both of you should stop biting your sister on the butt. purrrr - all that bad boy stuff gives me urjes...