09 May 2009

we din't blow away . . .

this is what the talky-picture box inna living room looked like yesterday morning. mom told us it was a picture of the weather up above, an' that we was right inna middle of the red part. we was haffin' a drefful storm that blew, an' blew, an' blew, an' blew, an' rained like billy-be-damned, as mom sez. so we found out why they din't go fishin' last weekend when the orange an' yellow spots was ofur their fishin' place!

an' mom an' dad are furry unhappy that this little tree went dead; it gave them cherries efurry year, an' a furriend of theirs made happy juice from them. no happy juice this year.

:sigh: they're cranky enuf even WIF the h.j.--what will they be like wifout it?


Pinky Ash and Boo said...

We are so glad to hear you are safe. That picture on the talky picture box looks scary.

BooBoo said...

I'll bet that storm was really frightening. I'm glad you weren't hurt.

Kaz's Cats said...

Sorry about your tree, but we're really glad that you guys and your family are all safe,


Gypsy & Tasha

Jans Funny Farm said...

Sorry about the tree, but we're sure glad that isn't what happened to your house. Glad you are safe. Even if your beans are cranky.

Parker said...

Poor little tree, we are very glad that you are all OK!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh your poor tree. We are glad it is not you though!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sorry da tree gots dedded in da storm but it's good dat effuryone else is okay...we find dat happy joose stuff makes our mom kinda goofy!

The Tower Hill Mob said...

We're sorry you lost a beautiful tree, but are very thankful everyone is safe and sound.
We had bad storms here, too and Grandma even had thundersnow!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Ohhhh, gosh, that is so sad about your cherry tree:( And the no happy juice thing, that makes it oh so much worse for your Mom and Dad. Our Momma feels for you, because the homemade delicacies are so much appreciated. We want to wish your Mom a very Happy Mother's Day, we hope she enjoys her special day!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Skeezix the Cat said...

I wood send yoo sum of the Food Lady's happy joose but then she woodn't be happy anymore. Sorry yer tree got dedded.