20 August 2009

okay, reese, here they is!

a kitty named reese tole us we should learn howta post our own pictures, so we don't hasta wait on mrs lazybones mom.

so we's gonna try this "publish right frum the place wif the pink'n'blue dots" thing: we hopes three pictures follows!


Reese =^..^= said...

It worked! It worked! Now, if I can just get my images to show back up in the blogger reader, I'd be happy. Sometimes it all drives me a little buggy.

Ozark Mountain Cats said...

Your cousin Felix looks just like our angel brother Abner. Him was a handsome tabby cat too.

Karen Jo said...

Congratulations on figuring out how to post pictures yourselves. I am very glad that Nitro is doing so much better.

Victor Tabbycat said...

Well did, dudes! We does that or we use All Sizes in Flickr to copy/paste into our post. Eifur way werks purty good.