when we mentioned that the tree looked like the one we saw onna talking box wif her about the boy named charlie brown . . . well, "peevish" don't beginta cover it! so we are bein' extra careful about who we hiss at an' are refrainin' from smackin' the brown dawg for a couple of days, an' snugglin' extra so she forgets that we insalted her tree.
It am a furry purrty tree and I betcha at nite it shines furry brightly.
abby and boo
Um, yoor mom wanted it to snow more? Okay, mom sez she can haf all of ours, three feet is way to much fur her comfort.
Well, I wanted to mention that the tree looks just a teensy weensy bit Charlie-Brownish. But it looks very festive, too. I think the additional sparklies helped.
Charlie Brown's tree turned out ot be a great tree . . . all it needed was a little love. Maybe you should purr at it more from the window and it will fill out like his did.
I like your little Charlie Brown tree, it is very pretty! Do you climb it in the summer? Climbing trees is fun!
Hahahahaha, cute tree :)
You wanted 5" snow? Ok I'll send it to ya,Merry Christmas!!!!
Are ya all excited?
Purrs Mickey
HAHAHAHA! It IS like a Charley Brown Krissmiss Tree!!!!!
We think that's a very nice little tree. I bet at night it's lots of fun to look at, too. Maybe your mom can try to get a picture of that!
Thanks so much for the card--Jacque Lawson is our very favorite, especially because of all the cats!
We like your tree, Charlie Brownish and all! We had a tree inside like that one year, and the humans called it their "Christmas stick"!
Awww, dats a cute Christmas Tree.
You can come here I think we got your 8-10 inches of snow and a whole lot of ice to boot! We like your tree.
We can't see the tree, just a red x. Sigh!! Our Momma loves the snow too, but now it is raining.
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