yesterday afternoon dad turned kinda green in the face an' whimpered a lot, so after supper mom took him away in the big red truck to the bean ER. they din't come home until after the middle of the night. there was a furry smart CAT at the ER who looked him ovurr furry closely inside an' out, an' then told the ofurr bean vets that he has a rock in his kid me. now he hasta go see anofurr bean vet who specializes in pee problems to get it out. we are furry proud to know that one of our kind was so smart and contributed to his care. we will continue home care, if he lets us. although so far, he has refused alla fishie flakes we has offered him.
since today is sunday an' alla bean vets are out golfin', he's takin' some medysin that makes him smile a lot. we thought that meant we could go cuddle on his lap but he keeps shovin' us off. that's ok; we'll wait until he naps (which he's doin' a lot of, too), an' make ourselves at home!
since there are more bean vets and probly an operation in his future, mom sez she may not be home to turn on the puter much for a couple of days. we just won't know until the pee problem doctor tells him what's happenin'. they told us not to fret, that dad'll be fine, but routines might be upset for a day or two. we hopes this doesn't mean we're gonna get fed late.
we would certainly like to know how he got that rock in there in the first place. so would he; he swears he would nefurr do it again, if he knew!
We are sorry your Dad feels bad. We hope the rock goes away soon.
oh no!
wes are hoping your dad is well soon and th bean vet can help him so the stone is gone soon too!
Your poor daddy with his owie...we will be thinking of him. It's good tho that he has apparently got "happy drugs"...that means he will do almost anything you want him to, right????
We hope yer dad is soon feeling better and that rock goes away.
It is not good when the beans turn green. Hope you beandad feels better soon.
Hey, that happened to my dad, too! He said it was the worst! I hope yours feels better soon ...
uh-oh. he'z gonna haf an operashun? well...that mite be better than sum frend of the Lady's who hadded ta "pass" it. we heer that's furry furry owchie. purrrrrrs fur yur dad!
Ah, this is not happy news to hear! We're sorry and will keep all of you in our paw prayers and fur thoughs.
W, S & B
oh no, we is so sorry to hear about your Dad! we is sending lots and lots of purrrrrrrrrssssssssss.
Purrs to your dad. That's a painful think and I hope that he gets better soon.
That can be very very painful. I hope your dad is feeling better by now. I am a little worried about him.
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