21 July 2007

harmony restored

ok, so mom's made up wif cocoa. mom told us that she knew, efen as it happened, that cocoa was just being a dawg, but it hurt her so drefful to see a little life end that her brain just went off-planet for a minute.

she splained that the ofurr labadores that have lived wif us have been chasers who wouldn't know what to do wif a critter if they caught it. one time, thor-of-blessed-memory treed a squirrel onna carport post an' he coulda easily stood up a bit an' grabbed it, but he just wanted to see it up close. so it jumped down on his head an' ran all the way down his back an' jumped from his butt into the bushes. he was so startled that he nefurr even moved! so cocoa's behavior was a real shock. we's seen her chase before, but she's nefurr caught anyfing an' mom nefurr dreamed she would.

well, we asked her: ferbastsake, mom--think about a semitruck meetin' a bicycle. who's gonna win, even if the truck doesn't mean any harm? she hadda agree.

so all's well between them. mom is speakin' to her again, an' played wif her out in the yard for a long while. here she is, wantin' to go back out--but dad's mowing an' she hasta stay in now. she's not at all afurraid of the mower machine, an' she trots along right beside him an' it--he's worried she'd get hit by something flying outta the bottom of it.


Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy - We is glad yer momma and cocoa made up...dogs will be dogs!

Daisy said...

That's the very best thing about moms. They always forgive us.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are happy to see that yer Mom made up with Cocoa. We dont know too much about woofies, but we do know they hunt things like we do. Its just natural. An maybe Cocoa knew the birdie wasnt quite "right"... That sort of thing always gets OUR attention

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Cocoa prolly got da birdy cuz da birdy coodent see outa dat side. Mom's old woofie frum a long time ago useta get rabbits alla time...mom stopted crying about it when she reelized dat it's naychur and da rabbits wuz eetin alla gramma's garden food.

Lux said...

I'm really happy to hear that harmony has been restored ... that's a nice picture!

Parker said...

Oh good! I like the picture of Cocoa!