photographic proof that it's a cold day in hell AND missouri, and there are no wood stoves fired up in either place. you would never catch nelson this close to ed & nitro, otherwise.
xing lu, however, is cuddled up in the kitty cozy in her suite of rooms. when you see her lying this close to the boys, you might's well hang onto yer glass eye and yer wooden leg, gertie--life as we know it will be comin' to a screechin' halt in a matter of minutes!
we'd like to get him one of those heated kitty cups, but he'd probably pee in it to declare his ownership and electrocute himself in the doing. hafta mull this over for a while. we know his "arthur" bothers him and have started him on glucosamine and chondroitin, but heat would give immediate help. darn opinionated cat!