yup, you kitties who said it would be warm an' sunny where the canned coons are got it right!! it is the place called cancun; we were sure they were sayin' somethin' else. dad's day-hunting place is sending him there for a big meeting, an' mom gets to go along. this is nice, acause they hafen't efur been somewhere on vacation that they weren't visiting relatives in all the 31 years they haf been married!! we will miss them drefful, though. not to mention that we won't be able to blog or visit youse guys until the end of next week. *sigh* don't go anywhere wifout us!! we doesn't allus leave comments, but we cruise lotsa bloggies during the week, an' we will miss you.
we guesses we feels better about their trip now that we know nobean is stuffin' aminals in cans, but we has made mom & dad swear a BIG swear that if they find any goodies there that we would like, they hafta bring some back! we oughta get SOMETHIN' besides a dopey T-shirt outta the deal. we're gonna be furry lonesome, so anykitty who feels like it can teleport ofur. we got LOTSA nip, an' since the dawgs will be gone, all our toys will be out to play wif!!
the worstest thing about this is that no one will be here to make the wood stove warm, an' it's gonna be furry cold, wif snow starting later tonight, an' maybe as much as 10" (that's taller than nitro, who is tallest of us) will fall. we has what is called a "fur-niss", but it sure doesn't keep us as warm as if it were real FUR. so maybe even nels an' miss prissy princess xing will hafta cuddle!
the snows will only last through tomorrow, an' they don't get onna airplane until early saturday, so we're pretty sure they will get to leave. we sure hope they do; mom's head is gonna asplode if they don't get to go!! if you see a new post on our bloggie on saturday, you prolly shouldn't read it--it's bound to be her bein' all whiny an' stuff, an' you might learn some new words your fambly won't let you say. . . .
31 January 2008
30 January 2008
wondering on wednesday . . .
we are cornfused. mom an' dad are rushin' around makin' lists, pullin' stuff outta closets, an' talkin' to aunt debbie who lives two houses away. she's the one who comes to visit us an' feed us an' scoop our potties when mom an' dad go on a trip, so obviously, they're leavin'. they've even made hotel reservations for the damndog, but not xena, who will go to gramma pierce's house. we fink that's 'cause all she does is eat, sleep, an' go out to potty, an' gramma can handle that but not cocoa's liveliness. we're not all that worried, acause they allus come back.
but why would beans wanna go somewhere that they put raccoons in cans? that doesn't sound nice at all. does anycat have a clue??
but why would beans wanna go somewhere that they put raccoons in cans? that doesn't sound nice at all. does anycat have a clue??
29 January 2008
tabbie toezies two-fer!
i loves my massive, marvelous toezies an' couldn't decide which picture to post--so here they are, all both of 'em!!
i finks of the one above as "topsy-turvey toezies", 'cause i was layin' downhill on mom when she took this picture, an' the one below is the "magic toezie touch" that she loves SO much (especially when i let her clip my claws first)!!

28 January 2008
a mancat's gotta protect what's HIS!

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