efurry once in a while, My Mama gets a craving fur
earrings. most times, she makes 'em, acause she can get just what she wants that way.

but sometimes she buys 'em when it's too hard to make 'em, an' it's a hard decision, requiring much deliberation. she asked me for my opinion yesterday, acause since i am a ladycat, i haff good taste--which is different from tasting good, you know--an' because she wouldn't ask the boycats on a bet, because they
don't haff good taste. OR taste good, i can promise you.
so i showed her the ones i liked bestest, an' she is gonna pick from among 'em. these are my most favorites,

but she will hafta save green papers for a long time. an' we mussen't nefur tell My Daddy how many papers she sends to get them, or she sez there will be "ruckshuns"! i asked her if that was fibbin' (acause we ain't spos'd to fib) but she sez there's some things boys just don't need to know if us ladies are to preserve the
shalom bais (peace inna household). i think it's all right not to tell him as long there is still enuf green papers to buy my stinky goodness!!