07 November 2007

dona nobis pacem

we is proud to help represent all bloggin' kitties (an' there are many of us!!! check us out!!--there are even woofies, too!) in this blogblast for peace.

we is just like human beans. mostly all we wants is enough food an' clean water; warm, peaceful naps; an' a safe place to stay. then we is satisfied, an' more likely not to fight wif one anofurr. (well, OK, a little catnip doesn't hurt.)

so please, you beans who is readin' this--help ofurr beans an' all ofurr creatures all ofurr the world to achieve this by donating time, green spending papers, your helpful ideas, an' anything else you can think of to better their situations. just little things, cumulatively, will do it. this is the first, best step towards world peace. YOU CAN DO IT! WILL YOU????


The Meezers or Billy said...

Peace to you our wonderful friends!

Me. Here. Right now. said...


Daisy said...

Good idea you have! I hope every bean can help in some way. I am joining you in purring for peace.

DK & The Fluffies said...


Travis Cody said...

Peace to you and yours on this wonderful Peace Globe Day and always.

The Cat Realm said...

That is very nice of you to remind the beans to help all creatures! Every little thing counts!!!
And don't forget the Dare - only one more day until voting...

Anonymous said...

Peace to you.

Mimi Lenox said...

"green spending papers"....you crack me up.

I love this globe and this post. Thanks for participating again in BlogBlast For Peace. Purrs and hugs.